
electric boat meaning in English



  1. Electric boat corporation
  2. The first of class , the seawolf ssn21 , was ordered from the electric boat division of general dynamics , connecticut , in january 1989 and commissioned in july 1997
  3. Uss gato ss - 212 1941 length overall : 95 . 0m beam : 8 . 3m displacement : 1825 t the first gato was laid down 5 oct 1940 by the electric boat co . , and commissioned 31 december 1941 . gato departed 16 february 1942 for pearl harbor via the panama canal and san francisco
    美国海军小鲨鱼号潜艇ss - 212 1941全长: 95m宽: 8 . 3m排水量: 1825t小鲨鱼级潜艇的首舰于1940年10月5日在电船公司开工建造,并于1941年12月31日进入美国海军服役。
  4. Uss gato ss - 212 1944 length overall : 95 . 0m beam : 8 . 3m displacement : 1825 t the first gato was laid down 5 oct 1940 by the electric boat co . , and commissioned 31 december 1941 . gato departed 16 february 1942 for pearl harbor via the panama canal and san francisco
    美国海军小鲨鱼号潜艇ss - 212 1944全长: 95m宽: 8 . 3m排水量: 1825t小鲨鱼级潜艇的首舰于1940年10月5日在电船公司开工建造,并于1941年12月31日进入美国海军服役。

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  9. boat plug
  10. growth boat
  11. electric blue river blue
  12. electric board
  13. electric boat co
  14. electric boat company
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